European Union
European Commission, European Parliament
The Laundromat
| Netflix | When a widow gets swindled out of insurance money, her search for answers leads to two cunning lawyers in Panama who hide cash for the superrich.
- 2019
- Fake, Corruption, Financial fraud, Tax evasion, Bribery
How will Europe deal with suspected Russian spies?
| Al Jazeera | Italy has expelled two Russians after police in Rome said an Italian Naval Officer was caught selling classified documents to a Russian envoy. The accusations are the latest in a number of recent charges of espionage…
- 2021
- Espionage
Nederland Belastingparadijs, de politiek
| BNN VARA | Nederland is een van de grootste belastingparadijzen van de wereld. Politici in Den Haag vinden dit onwenselijk en roepen al jaren dat belastingontwijking moet worden aangepakt, maar achter de schermen blijkt het tegenovergestelde te gebeuren. Miljarden…
- 2017
- Tax evasion
Whistleblowers – Alone against the system
| DW Documentary | Consternation, anger, a sense of powerlessness. A decision is made, and there’s no turning back. Your conscience begins to consider the possible consequences. It’s the start of a struggle against a system — and former allies…
- 2012
- Corruption, Business ethics