
Make a suggestion or a review

This is the place where you can file your suggestions for the database.

If you would like to suggest a relevant film that is not in the database yet, supply us with the information, fraud-types and target audience. Or send us the link, and we’ll figure it out ourselves.

If you have seen a film that is already in the database and would like to enhance our data, please do! Tell us what tags, information or target audience could be better and we’ll look into it.

If you would like to write a review about one of the films that you have seen in our database, do it here! There are three ways in which you can do this:

  1. Write a quote that we will use as a tagline right under the tite of the film. We can mention your name and company after this quote.
  2. Write a short review (up to 5 sentences) which we will use to enhance the information overview of the film. We can mention your name and company after this quote.
  3. Write a review in the form of a blog. Tell us how you have implemented this movie and what you found interesting about it. This should be at least 300 words. We can mention your name and company in this article. If you would like to add pictures as well, please send the blog to

Feel free to comment on films, sharing your personal opinion on the subjects discussed in the film.

For any other questions; contact Fraudstorytelling directly.