DW Documentary
The story of a German Conman
| DW | It was one of the biggest white-collar scams in German history. In the 1990s, Manfred Schmider and his company FlowTex took investors for more than two billion euros. Today, the conman himself can’t believe how easy it…
- 2020
- Financial fraud, Scam
VW and dieselgate – What really happened
| DW Documentary | It’s a case involving one of the worst examples of fraud in the history of German industry. Who knew about the manipulation of VW’s diesel emissions, and just as importantly – when? In September 2015 US…
- 2022
- Business ethics
Organized crime in Montenegro: Sweeping up corruption
| DW Documentary | For decades, Montenegro has been unable to get organized crime under control. Rampant corruption is hindering development in the country, which is a candidate for EU membership. Now, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic is attempting a political…
- 2021
- Corruption
Tomatoes and greed – the exodus of Ghana’s farmers
| DW Documentary | What do tomatoes have to do with mass migration? Tomatoes are a poker chip in global trade policies. Subsidized products from the EU, China and elsewhere are sold at dumping prices, destroying markets and livelihoods in…
- 2020
- Business ethics
Fakes in the art world – The mystery conman
| DW Documentary | Fake art sits unnoticed in galleries around the world. A talented fraudster has been playing the art market and ripping off collectors for years. Who is the mystery conman? Discover more in THE MYSTERY CONMAN -…
- 2017
- Counterfeit, Business ethics
Yemen and the global arms trade
| DW Documentary | Weapons manufactured in the West and exported to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have ended up in the hands of Yemeni militia. This is directly in contravention of international law and arms trade treaties….
- 2018
- Arms trafficking
Inequality – how wealth becomes power part III
| DW Documentary | How much power do people with a lot of money really have? Who decides how Germany should look? These questions are the subject of the film “Land of Inequality – Power.” Many studies show that a…
- 2019
- Business ethics
Inequality – how wealth becomes power part II
| DW Documentary | Christoph Gröner is one of the richest people in Germany. The son of two teachers, he has worked his way to the top. He believes that many children in Germany grow up without a fair chance…
- 2018
- Business ethics
Inequality – how wealth becomes power part I
| DW Documentary | Germany is one of the world’s richest countries, but inequality is on the rise. The wealthy are pulling ahead, while the poor are falling behind. For the middle classes, work is no longer a means of…
- 2018
- Business ethics
The story of a German conman
| DW Documentary | It was one of the biggest white-collar scams in German history. In the 1990s, Manfred Schmider and his company FlowTex took investors for more than two billion euros. Today, the conman himself can’t believe how easy…
- 2020
- Financial fraud
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