Financial fraud
The Laundromat
| Netflix | When a widow gets swindled out of insurance money, her search for answers leads to two cunning lawyers in Panama who hide cash for the superrich.
- 2019
- Fake, Corruption, Financial fraud, Tax evasion, Bribery
How London became the dirty money capital of the world
| Financial Times | Russian oligarchs and companies have been investing in London for two decades, encouraged by British politicians of all stripes, but critics say the ‘London laundromat’ cleans dirty money from Russia and across the globe. The FT…
Waste Management $1.8 Billion Fraud Story
| deepEND | Waste Management FBI Fraud Story When we hear the term waste management, what comes to mind is the truck that picks up garbage, and that’s all. However, there’s more to that. Why do you think Bill Gates…
Ethics Illustrated: How to Avoid Conflicts of Interest
| USDA | A judge who has a personal relationship with one of the parties appearing before them in court but still chooses to preside over the case anyway or an employee that accepts a vacation package as a gift…
South Seas Bubble of 1720: the First Major Manipulation of Financial Markets
| Video Economist| The first major manipulation of financial markets. Today we look at the South Seas bubble of 1720. The South Sea Company was a British investment company that collapsed in 1720 due to a speculative bubble, the South…