Waar moet u aan denken bij zorgfraude?
| Gemeente Arnhem| Een van de meest voorkomende vormen van fraude in Nederland. Maar wat precies noemen we zorgfraude en in welke vorm komt het steeds voor? Men spreekt van zorgfraude als er opzettelijk onrechtmatige feiten zijn gepleegd voor eigen…
- 2022
- Financial fraud, Scam
Enron – The Biggest Fraud in History
| ColdFusion| In this video, ColdFusion will take you into the story of one of the biggest frauds in history, Enron, where over 60 billion dollars were scammed. The Enron scandal was a series of events that culminated in the…
- 2019
- Business ethics, Financial fraud, Scam
The story of a German Conman
| DW | It was one of the biggest white-collar scams in German history. In the 1990s, Manfred Schmider and his company FlowTex took investors for more than two billion euros. Today, the conman himself can’t believe how easy it…
- 2020
- Financial fraud, Scam
How to Lie Your Way to $34 Billion [Nikola Motors Fraud]
| ColdFusion | Trevor Milton took the phrase “fake it till you make it” to the extreme. Let’s take a look at the wild story of Nikola Motors. I’ve been sitting on this script idea for a year, so here…
- 2021
- Scam