
regulatory agencies, supervisory authorities

The price of gold: Chinese mining in Ghana

| The Guardian | Ghana has had a gold rush but here, Afua Hirsch discovers how Chinese immigrants are profiting from industrialising the country’s small-scale mining industry. She sees for herself that, for the many locals who chance losing life…

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The Trees That Bleed: How rosewood is smuggled from Senegal into Gambia

| BBC | The rosewood tree is one of the most trafficked species on earth. When it’s cut it bleeds a blood-red sap. Having exhausted stocks elsewhere, Chinese traders have turned to West Africa, especially southern Senegal, where trees are…

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The Universal Credit Crisis

| BBC Panorama | As the government’s controversial new benefits system, universal credit, is rolled out, Panorama is with families as they struggle with their claims. The programme follows one council as it deals with mounting rent arrears and tenants…

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Haagse bijbaantjes

| BNN VARA | Tweede Kamerleden mogen naast hun politieke werk bijbanen en nevenfuncties hebben. Ze mogen er zelfs geld mee verdienen. Maar ze moeten het wel eerlijk melden. Zo moet belangenverstrengeling en corruptie worden voorkomen. Zembla checkte de meldingen…

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Supplements and Safety

| Frontline | FRONTLINE, The New York Times and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation examine the hidden dangers of vitamins and supplements, a multibillion-dollar industry with limited FDA oversight.

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Secret History of the Credit Card

| Frontline | The average American family today carries eight credit cards. Credit card debt and personal bankruptcies are now at an all time high. With no legal limit on the amount of interest or fees that can be charged,…

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The Card Game

| Frontline | As credit card companies face rising public anger, new regulation from Washington and a potential perfect storm of economic bad news, FRONTLINE correspondent Lowell Bergman examines the future of the massive consumer loan industry and its impact…

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Cell Tower Deaths

| Frontline | The smartphone revolution comes with a hidden cost. A joint investigation by FRONTLINE and ProPublica explores the hazardous work of independent contractors who are building and servicing America’s expanding cellular infrastructure. While some tower climbers say they…

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Six Billion Dollar Bet

| Frontline | Nearly four years after the financial crisis, yet another scandal rocks Wall Street. Jon Corzine, former head of Goldman Sachs and political power broker, took over MF Global in the spring of 2010 with oversize ambition and…

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The Retirement Gamble

| Frontline | The Retirement Gamble raises troubling questions about how America’s financial institutions protect our retirement savings.

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