Environmental Crime

Illegal Logging: The Problem

| European Forest Institute | Trees are vital to our planet, they are the natural protectors of our climate. As the largest plants in the world, they provide us with oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil, and give life to…

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Gold at any cost: Illegal mining in Peru | TechKnow

| Al Jazeera | For more than 50 million years, the Amazon rainforest has been a cradle of life. Its pristine forests, however, are increasingly under threat due to illegal gold mining. TechKnow’s Phil Torres heads to La Pampa, the…

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Peru’s dirty gold

| Al Jazeera | The Amazon rainforest is home to 10 percent of the world’s known species, and its ancient trees remove millions of tons of carbondioxide per year from the atmosphere. Its pristine forests, however, are increasingly under threat….

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The Cost of Cobalt

| Al Jazeera | In the Katanga region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), increasing numbers of babies are being born with horrific birth defects. Some of this, scientists say, is due to a huge surge in the…

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The Trees That Bleed: How rosewood is smuggled from Senegal into Gambia

| BBC | The rosewood tree is one of the most trafficked species on earth. When it’s cut it bleeds a blood-red sap. Having exhausted stocks elsewhere, Chinese traders have turned to West Africa, especially southern Senegal, where trees are…

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Rubber tires — a dirty business

| DW Documentary | The booming global tire market is worth billions – but this comes at a high price, both to humans and the environment. Over 50 million car tires are sold each year in Germany alone. But where…

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From rainforest to charcoal

| DW Documentary | Huge areas of tropical rainforest are being destroyed to make charcoal for barbecues. The global deforestation is leading to growing problems. Nigeria and the DRC Congo – two of Europe’s main charcoal suppliers – are also…

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Vuil Spel om Olie

| VPRO | In Vuil Spel om Olie is te zien welk vuil geopolitiek spel in Equatoriaal Guinea door de VS en China wordt gespeeld om olie, als zo vaak ten koste van de Afrikaanse bevolking.Equatoriaal Guinea bezit een spectaculaire…

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De Monitor – De Nederlandse mesthoop

| KRO | Verschillende onderzoeken tonen aan dat er nog steeds teveel schadelijke stoffen vanuit de landbouw in de natuur komen. Met name de ammoniak uit de mest van de grootschalige veeteelt en melkveehouderijen zou zorgen voor een aantasting van…

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Het gifschip van SBM

| BNN VARA | Olietankers en andere zeeschepen die na zo’n veertig jaar versleten zijn, gelden als zwaar chemisch afval. In Europa bestaan strenge regels voor de sloop van zulke gifschepen. Ze zitten tjokvol giftige stoffen die schadelijk zijn voor…

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