The Poachers Pipeline

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The Poachers Pipeline
| Al Jazeera | An Al Jazeera undercover team penetrated the network of dealers, agents and traffickers who profit from the multi-million dollar trade in Rhino horn. An illegal business that is decimating the Rhino population close to the point of extinction. Our reporters discovered that members of the Chinese President’s delegation went on an illegal spending spree in South Africa to buy ivory and rhino horn and smuggled the products back to China, according to revelations to be broadcast by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit. In a six-month long investigation the Al Jazeera team also filmed a Chinese businessman, based in South Africa, describing his dealings in rhino horn and how he escapes prosecution. “Everything in Africa is based on money”, he says. Al Jazeera shows exclusive footage shot secretly in a village near the Vietnamese capitol, Hanoi, which is a hub of wildlife trafficking. Despite a massive dossier of evidence on over fifty dealers in the village selling horn, ivory, tiger skins and lion bones, to the Vietnamese Government, no official action has been taken to close down the trade. About twenty five thousand rhino are left in Africa. Six thousand have been killed in the last decade. The largest concentration of rhino is in South Africa and the Kruger National Park has become the major killing field, with two or three animals shot every night by local poachers.
0 h 47 min
Wildlife trafficking
Trading industry
 South Africa,   China
Release Date
13 November 2016
Al Jazeera
Official Website
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