Al Jazeera

How can social media users be protected from hackers?

| Al Jazeera | It may seem safe enough to post your phone number and date of birth on social media. But that information could end up being shared all over the web. The personal details of more than half…

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Italy’s Sikh Slaves

| Al Jazeera | The vast agricultural plains of the Agro-Pontino in central Italy is now one of the country’s main areas of food production. Yet it was not always the case. This 100 mile-long stretch of land facing the…

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Bureau 39: Cash for Kim (Part 2) | People and Power

| Al Jazeera | How is it possible that North Korea, one of the poorest countries on earth, manages to finance a nuclear weapons programme? The answer is through Bureau 39, a secretive organisation hidden deep inside the government apparatus….

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Bureau 39: Cash for Kim (Part 1) | People and Power

| Al Jazeera | How is it possible that North Korea, one of the poorest countries on earth, manages to finance a nuclear weapons programme? The answer is through Bureau 39, a secretive organisation hidden deep inside the government apparatus….

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The Calderon Dynasty

| Al Jazeera | FBI investigation of a California political dynasty uncovers alleged bribery and corruption in the shadows of Tinseltown.

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The Poachers Pipeline

| Al Jazeera | An Al Jazeera undercover team penetrated the network of dealers, agents and traffickers who profit from the multi-million dollar trade in Rhino horn. An illegal business that is decimating the Rhino population close to the point…

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The Dark Side: Secrets of the Sports Dopers

| Al Jazeera | Al Jazeera investigates the secretive world of doping in sports and raises questions about whether medical professionals are linked to some of the greatest sports heroes.

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The Oligarchs

| Al Jazeera | Aljazeera’s investigative unit unravels a high-stakes international plot by powerful Eastern European oligarchs to make millions of dollars off a crooked deal. According to a Ukrainian analyst, “It sounds like an agreement between criminal bosses. You…

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All the Prime Minister’s men

| Al Jazeera | An explosive investigation reveals how a criminal gang is colluding with the security forces of Bangladesh and has links to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Undercover reporters with the I-Unit expose how a former street mafia claims…

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Cricket’s Match Fixers: The Munawar Files

| Al Jazeera | Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit reveals more explosive evidence of corruption in cricket after Cricket’s Match-Fixers rocked the sport in May 2018. The Munawar Files reveal that the match-fixer featured in the earlier documentary is part of…

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