Food industry

Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food

| Netflix | Through interviews with experts and families of victims, this documentary examines the phenomenon of deadly foodborne illness in the US.

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The $500 Billion/Year World of Counterfeits

| VICE | ‘Bad Goods’ is a documentary series for Vice News looking at the worldwide illicit trade market, from wildlife trafficking, counterfeit item selling and sand mining. It will follow key people, from enforcement to traffickers, at the heart…

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Illegal Logging: The Problem

| European Forest Institute | Trees are vital to our planet, they are the natural protectors of our climate. As the largest plants in the world, they provide us with oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil, and give life to…

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How to spot a pyramid scheme

| TED-Ed |Learn the techniques and tricks that pyramid schemes use to recruit new members and how to avoid being fooled yourself. In 2004, a nutrition company offered a life-changing opportunity to earn a full-time income for part-time work. There…

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Tomatoes and greed – the exodus of Ghana’s farmers

| DW Documentary | What do tomatoes have to do with mass migration? Tomatoes are a poker chip in global trade policies. Subsidized products from the EU, China and elsewhere are sold at dumping prices, destroying markets and livelihoods in…

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De Monitor – De Nederlandse mesthoop

| KRO | Verschillende onderzoeken tonen aan dat er nog steeds teveel schadelijke stoffen vanuit de landbouw in de natuur komen. Met name de ammoniak uit de mest van de grootschalige veeteelt en melkveehouderijen zou zorgen voor een aantasting van…

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Trafficked in America

| Frontline | FRONTLINE and the Investigative Reporting Program at U.C. Berkeley tell the inside story of Guatemalan teens who were forced to work against their will on an Ohio egg farm in 2014.

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How the soy industry destroys the Amazon rainforest

| BNN VARA | The Amazon is on fire. The destruction of the largest tropical rainforest in the world is alarming. One of the most important drivers is the soy industry. As an agricultural superpower, the Netherlands is one of…

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