Law enforcement
How will Europe deal with suspected Russian spies?
| Al Jazeera | Italy has expelled two Russians after police in Rome said an Italian Naval Officer was caught selling classified documents to a Russian envoy. The accusations are the latest in a number of recent charges of espionage…
- 2021
- Espionage
Modern slavery, hidden in plain sight
| TEDX Talks |If you think slavery is a thing of the past, think again. Millions of people around the world are trapped in modern slavery – and they could be working for you. In this powerful talk Kate Garbers…
- 2018
- Modern slavery
The World’s Greatest Counterfeiter | The Art of Making Money
| Topic | The self-declared “world’s greatest counterfeiter,” Frank Bourassa, printed $250 million in fake US currency until he was caught by an undercover cop in 2012. And yet he hardly served any jail time. In this episode, Bourassa reveals…
- 2019
- Counterfeit
Theft And Corruption Among Indonesia’s Elite
| Journeyman Pictures | Catwalk (2011): With 60,000 millionaires the cash is splashing around in Indonesia. Yet recently their playground has been invaded by two major scandals that reveal the full extent of the country’s corruption. Malinda Dee’s smile is…
- 2016
- Corruption
Airport Seizure | Illegal Wildlife Trade
| Terra Mater | Could wildlife crime be on the rise? According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the illegal wildlife trade makes an annual profit equal to that of human trafficking and drug dealing. And…
- 2020
- Wildlife trafficking
Nederland fraudeland
| BNN VARA | Huisschilder Willy van der Linden is voor 140 duizend euro opgelicht. Cindy Verhagen heeft reuma en wilde daardoor minder werken. Om haar toekomst veilig te stellen belegt ze haar spaargeld bij een vertrouwd assurantiekantoor. Althans dat…
- 2014
- Financial fraud
Pounds and Poison from Moscow
| BNN VARA | ZEMBLA investigates the story of Sergei Magnitsky: a Russian lawyer who died in prison after his testimony about the largest Russian tax fraud in history. Police officers and employees of the Russian tax authorities collaborated with…
- 2018
- Tax evasion, Financial fraud, Corruption
Officieren van justitie in de fout
| BNN VARA | Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft een belangrijke taak in de maatschappij: het brengt verdachten van strafbare feiten voor de rechter. Maar als het Openbaar Ministerie zĂ©lf fouten maakt, kan dat grote gevolgen hebben, want mensen kunnen onschuldig…
- 2019
- Corruption
Inside the Meltdown
| Frontline | FRONTLINE investigates the causes of the worst economic crisis in 70 years and how the government responded. The film chronicles the inside stories of the Bear Stearns deal, Lehman Brothers’ collapse, the propping up of insurance giant…
The Real CSI
| Frontline | From the courtroom to the living room (thanks to the hit television series CSI), forensic science is king. Expertise on fingerprints, ballistics and bite mark analysis are routinely called on to solve the most difficult criminal cases…
- 2012
- Science fraud
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