April 30, 2021


Fraudstorytelling.com: pictures speak louder than words

Awareness raising and understanding fraud and corruption are the foundations of prevention, detection and response. Here storytelling is of crucial importance as fraud and corruption are difficult to explain. Hence the development of fraudstorytelling.com. The platform goes live today.

Evert Jan Lammers is one of the initiators: “We had noted that pictures speak louder than words. Fraudstorytelling.com helps anyone who want to explain fraud and corruption to someone else. What is it? Who does it and why? Where does it occur? It is a powerful tool.”

Fraudstorytelling.com is a one-stop search engine offering films and documentaries on fraud and corruption: embezzlement, bribery, money laundering, cybercrime, match-fixing, pyramid games and more. When you type a keyword, the website shows a shortlist of relevant titles. Working with several keywords, you will find exactly what you were looking for.

Maarten Boerma, co-initiator: “At the start of our platform the shortlists are relatively short. An enthusiastic Community will ensure that the platform remains up to date and will grow. The members of the Community will suggest documentaries and films, review them, use them in their work and discuss the content.”

Dozens of producers like BBC (general media), Frontline (investigative journalists) and Deutsche Welle (documentaries) have given their support.

Evert Jan Lammers: “The focus is on the interpretation of phenomena, not newsworthiness. We do however provide background information on actual cases such as Wirecard and Luanda Leaks. The Community will ensure that the number of cases increases. We’re just getting started.”

Fraudstorytelling is a non-profit initiative of EBBEN Partners in Brussels and Hilversum.

Do you want to stay informed on new films or do you want to join our growing Community, please contact fraudstorytelling.com at +32-2-8932034 or send an email to info@fraudstorytelling.com.

For more information: call fraudstorytelling.com at +32-2 8932034 or send an email to info@fraudstorytelling.com.

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