Construction industry

Illegal Logging: The Problem

| European Forest Institute | Trees are vital to our planet, they are the natural protectors of our climate. As the largest plants in the world, they provide us with oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil, and give life to…

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The story of a German Conman

| DW | It was one of the biggest white-collar scams in German history. In the 1990s, Manfred Schmider and his company FlowTex took investors for more than two billion euros. Today, the conman himself can’t believe how easy it…

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Gangsters, Golf and Greenbacks

| BBC | An African construction giant mired in debt and on the verge of collapsing hires in two highly-paid British bosses to try and bring it back from the brink. Eighteen months later the business is bust, hundreds of…

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Inequality – how wealth becomes power part III

| DW Documentary | How much power do people with a lot of money really have? Who decides how Germany should look? These questions are the subject of the film “Land of Inequality – Power.” Many studies show that a…

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Inequality – how wealth becomes power part II

| DW Documentary | Christoph Gröner is one of the richest people in Germany. The son of two teachers, he has worked his way to the top. He believes that many children in Germany grow up without a fair chance…

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Inequality – how wealth becomes power part I

| DW Documentary | Germany is one of the world’s richest countries, but inequality is on the rise. The wealthy are pulling ahead, while the poor are falling behind. For the middle classes, work is no longer a means of…

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Het gifschip van SBM

| BNN VARA | Olietankers en andere zeeschepen die na zo’n veertig jaar versleten zijn, gelden als zwaar chemisch afval. In Europa bestaan strenge regels voor de sloop van zulke gifschepen. Ze zitten tjokvol giftige stoffen die schadelijk zijn voor…

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Klokkenkluiders in de kou

| BNN VARA | Ad Bos onthulde in 2001 de bouwfraude. Dat leverde de staat naar schatting een miljard euro op. De klokkenluider heeft daar niet van geprofiteerd, integendeel. Bos heeft geen baan, geen inkomen en geen woning meer. Niemand…

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Luchtkastelen in de polder

| BNN VARA | Nederland staat vol met grote gebouwen en kantoren die leeg staan. Met die lege panden kan een oppervlakte van 8 miljoen vierkante meter bebouwd worden. Dat zijn 1600 voetbalvelden, maar er zijn voor deze panden geen…

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Cell Tower Deaths

| Frontline | The smartphone revolution comes with a hidden cost. A joint investigation by FRONTLINE and ProPublica explores the hazardous work of independent contractors who are building and servicing America’s expanding cellular infrastructure. While some tower climbers say they…

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