Pharmaceutical industry
The Multilevel Marketing Cults: Lies, Pyramid Schemes, and the Pursuit of Financial Freedom
| James Jani | These companies follow a Multi-Level Marketing model, that means they often do not sell their products/services via retailers, but through a workforce of people sometimes called their “distributors”. This strategy is also often labelled as Network…
Waar moet u aan denken bij zorgfraude?
| Gemeente Arnhem| Een van de meest voorkomende vormen van fraude in Nederland. Maar wat precies noemen we zorgfraude en in welke vorm komt het steeds voor? Men spreekt van zorgfraude als er opzettelijk onrechtmatige feiten zijn gepleegd voor eigen…
- 2022
- Financial fraud, Scam
Why Amazon Has So Many Counterfeit Goods
| CNBC | Seizures of counterfeit products at U.S. borders have increased 10-fold over the past two decades as e-commerce sales have boomed. The total value of seized goods – if they had been real – reached nearly $1.4 billion…
- 2020
- Counterfeit
Stealing from the Sick
| BBC | Everyone in Uganda is entitled to free medicine to combat killer diseases like malaria. Despite Government efforts to improve access to essential medicines, a significant number of people have to use private facilities because of frequent stockouts….
- 2017
- Deficient government, Bribery
| Frontline | FRONTLINE tells the vivid, inside story of how the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak began, and why it wasn’t stopped before it was too late. Filmmaker Dan Edge spent months on the ground in West Africa, tracing the outbreak’s…
- 2015
- Deficient government
Opioids, Inc.
| Frontline | The story of a drug company that pushed opioids by bribing doctors and committing insurance fraud. With the Financial Times, FRONTLINE investigates how Insys Therapeutics profited from a fentanyl-based painkiller 50 times stronger than heroin.
- 2020
- Bribery, Business ethics
Dollars and Dentists
| Frontline | Dental care can be a matter of life and death. Yet millions of Americans can’t afford a visit to the dentist. An investigation by FRONTLINE and the Center for Public Integrity reveals the shocking consequences of a…
- 2012
- Deficient government
The real price of cheap medicines
| BNN VARA | It’s not only our clothes that are made cheaply in India and China: our drugs are produced there, too. In these countries, materials are cheaper and wages are low. In India, pharmaceutical giant Aurobindo manufactures cheap…